BodyMedia Unveils ProConnect Coaching and Monitoring Tool for Trainers, Clinicians and Counselors
BodyMedia‘s ProConnect is a remote monitoring and coaching tool for weight loss counselors, fitness trainers and healthcare practitioners. With client or patient permission, ProConnect, health and fitness advisors can log on to users’ BodyMedia FIT Activity Manager accounts for information on daily activities ranging from calorie burn to food intake, and also send comments or recommendations by email or directly to the Activity Manager for easy online coaching.
Data available from each client’s or patient’s Activity Manager includes daily calories burned, steps taken, level of physical activity and sleep patterns as measured by sensors in BodyMedia armbands; food logs that document daily food intake; and goals set by monitor wearers. Advisors can also see activity and dietary adjustment recommendations generated by the BodyMedia system based on each user’s weight and fitness goals, actual calorie expenditure and food intake for the day. Learn more at